Why is Isiah 40 Not Continuing 39


King James Version (KJV)

King James Bible KJV

Isaiah Chapter 40 Discussion

  • Thank you Jesus for renewed strength Amen!

  • Amen ! Our God & Jesus are unfailing always ! Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not in our understanding & in all our ways acknowledge Him( Proverbs 3:5-7) . God is always with us , His Word( Bible ) is always with us. All of us ,no matter what color we are,what part of the world we dwell in ,etc etc etc...Our Lord made us all in different colors , different sizes, different genders . ,different languages .These factors don't matter.God is what matters.Let us ( in a figurative sense ) join hands ,pray together ,continue to work to bring people to God ,He is coming, we don't know when so always be prepared !God Bless All of You !

  • Stick with the bible and don't get caught up worrying about who, what, when , and why. especially the color of skin. The bible says to avoid discussions about genealogy. ( Titus 3:9). It also says to let God be true and every man a liar; ( Romans 3:4.) Keep your focus on the scriptures and what it teaches and nothing else. If you don't, you'll be drawn into discussions that are meaningless and have nothing to do with salvation or what's important to God.

  • Exodus 20:4, do u think GOD left pictures out of HIS WORD on purpose? Exodus 20:1-6

  • Babs, this is because the original people to mass produce the bible were white. And yes, technically Jewish people are white. The difference is that Jews tend to have darker features/different culture and dress differently than your regular Caucasian. But we know that the scribes changed things in the bible. Many races are loudly missing from the bible. So don't focus on race. Yahweh loves us all.

  • 1 John 4:12

    NO man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

    The Holy Spirit is SPIRIT.

    Jesus's skin color at birth would look like Mary's DNA contribution.

    As with anyone, people who are exposed to sun too much have darker skin, than their normal skin color.

    Another verse says that no man may look upon God and live.

    No offense, but I feel people spend way too much time contemplating skin colors.

    I'm a life long observer of skin/hair colors. Early in life I was an artist for a time. God formed us. Our hair color is the perfect color for skin tone. When people dye their hair, it never complements the skin color. Our skin has pigments in it, like paint; but somewhat luminescent.

    For me, I can't see any beauty in tattoos. Art is for canvas & other mediums. It's a pity to think we can improve on what God made.

    Skin color used to be beautiful, but now it's political. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus.

  • Why do the writers and photographers have pictures of Jesus or others in the Bible pictured as Caucasians? As I read the Bible I read that there are Jews, Queen of Sheba was Egyptian,on and on.. No one has ever seen God and Jesus was Jewish. I really need help on this. Do you know?. Is this more important then studying the word of God..No However racism is not in the Bible.

  • Only God can give us the power beyond our own strength. We must look to God and go to him in prayer for help.

  • Wait, Pray, Meditate on Father God. Be a Spiritual detective and seek the lessons to be learned as we walk through and out the valley of the shadow of death (23rd Psalms). God is LOVE ( 1 John 4:8, 16). And like a Good Parent, Father God must Give tough LOVE at times. We will, and are by Faith, Flying like Eagles right here and right now through the Spirit of God In Us. We wait on the LORD to Fly Higher to get Stronger. This time in history looks scary (Matthew chapter 24). But We WIN like Jesus Christ WON!!! Christ Conquered death for us ( Revelation 1:18). Amen. God and Christ LOVES us.

  • What an amazing chapter !

    Isaiah 40

    Early part of the chapter is the coming of the Lord and restoration of the Israel of God .

    Verse 15 to 24 creation from Gods point of view .

    Verse 25 really stands out .

    " To whom then will ye liken me , or shall I be equal ? Saith the Holy One .

    Verse 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; ....

    Amen !

  • Isaiah 40:8

    8. T G W T F F B T W O O G S S F E 8. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

  • Waiting upon the Lord (40.31) in my view has two complementary elements, serving and anticipating his future calling to act and serve, a truly fundamental and inspirational promise that believers ''walk and not faint''.

  • Isaiah ch 40 v 25 ,26,27,28,29,30,31

    To whom then will ye liken me , or shall I be equal ? Dairy the Holy One .

    But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength:they shall mount up with wings of eagles ;they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint .

  • It says in the bible..

    exodus 20.8-11 remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god, in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.

    for in six days the lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    what day is the true sabbath day because some people say it's sunday and others say that it's friday sunset to an after saturday sunset ?

    and how can we be sure because the only clue that i can find in the bible is in genesis 1.5 and god called the light day, and the darkness he called night. and the evening and the morning were the first day.

    this suggest that sunset to sunset is a day, but this doesn't tell me which day is the sabbath is on, so how can we be sure which day is right ?

  • And AMEN sister!

    In my experience angels can work invisible. I heard them seriously beat up a "spirit" that had tried to break my neck.

    We are not to worship Them. We give praise to God. I learned that they report directly to God. So no one can order the angels around. Ask and then Praise the Lord Mightily for your help.

    Some of the best scriptures for prayer are found searching the word, 'favor.'

  • Be careful of who you ask questions.


  • The West will be attacked by the east; the sign of the times have changed dramatically. Don't know when it will happen, however, it's coming. The end of times as we know it. Let's continue to pray and ask God for guidance. If God would have dealt with us according to our individual sin; no one would be left. Comment on I Isaiah cheaper 40.

  • He is near our savior is at the door. We need to wake up and see the sign of the times. Everything passes but his word. He is coming and has prepared a place for us who believe in Christ. Lets surrender all to him and be lead by his Holy Spirit so we can shine his light in the darkness that surrounds us in this world. So others can come to him before it is to late. Praise you Jesus for you blessed and mighty word. May you be glorified in our lives as we live for you. Yes come Lord Jesus!!! The Bride awaits her Husband!!! Amen!!!

  • The grass withers the flower fades but the word of our god

  • A waiter at a restaurant is "waiting" on us as customers. To "wait" upon The LORD is to busy ourselves in service to Him. Yes putting Him first involves us submerging ourselves into His Word His presence and in prayer communing with Him. The Psalmist says,"enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise." That is waiting upon The Lord. The word waiting here does not intend us doing nothing but watching and being only patient. God loves our communion with Him. He brings His results when we do. Hallelujah

  • Thank you Donna, what you Shared from your Heart is very very True. Recently I was in Hospital after two accidents and its been hard for me to get Home Help. Im also being Persecuted again f0or my Faith in our Lord and Saviour which I share and Jesus tells us this will happen when we follow Him.It hurt too being abused by two people I Trusted with my Health needs, one claimed to be Christian yet his actions and beliefs showed he had no true understanding but I was once the same so I'm Praying for both of them. But in all my Suffering and Heartache our Awesome God of Love spread His Wings and shielded me from the power of the evil one to destroy my Faith in His Love and Compassion Ps62:5-12.

  • When we realize in our Hearts we have been Leading only half a Life the other half is going to Reach out to us until we Seek the Lord to Empower us to Live it.

    We were made by God and for God, He comes First Nothing else.

    Until we Understand what He has Planed for us and what He has Equipped us for we will not feel Fulfilled or Complete. God wants our Love and Friendship without Him in our Life it is without real meaning or purpose. It's only in Jesus Christ that we Discover our Purpose and our Calling.

    Isaiah 40: 31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with Wings as Eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.

  • When God fills a person with His Spirit one can truly soar above the heartaches of this life. How do I know, God has proven this to me. Praise The Dear Name Of Jesus!

  • As stated above, who or what can we who are the dust of the earth compare Jehovah, GOD with. GOD create all that is seen and unseen. The sun, stars, moon, earth, ..., bees, flowers, ..., are HIS creation. Also mankind is blessed by GOD to be included in GOD creation. Nevertheless mankind foolishly fail to follow the basic instruction from GOD, so GOD introduce us to Mercy, Grace, Redemption through JESUS or John 3:16 -21 and most reject them. Instead we self inflect ourselves with sin then cry wont nobody help me. BUT the remnant apply John 3:16-21 and hold to verse 31 above. Evil is on the offence to seek, seduce, kill, and destroy as many men, women, children, because TIME is near the end.

  • That is my favorite for encouragement

  • as hi said, my life vers! :-

  • Isiah 40:31 is my life vers, I found this vers in the back of my Bible in a recommended reading section, then I memorized it. I have an inspire bible and as you know there are pictures that you can color and it had an eagle I love eagles!

  • I see Isaiah as symbolic of salvation. the lord sending his son jesus Christ to die for us because of his great love for us . his mercy towards us always forgiving us . God shows his unfailing love for Israel by protecting them ,paying the ransom for them. this is exactly what he has done in sending his son jesus to us.

  • This is a direct assurance of the Lord to Jacob that thone that Wait upon the Lord will be empowered with true power to walk In Him.

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Source: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Isaiah-Chapter-40-Discussion/

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